J A M B A     J U I C E

The Challenge: Why Jamba? Jamba Juice was one of the first smoothie companies, originating in Southern California. However, with juice cleanses and fresh-pressed juice becoming more popular and people substituting smoothies for meals, Jamba is facing competition from other, healthier smoothie companies. Why should parents continue to take their children to Jamba Juice?
The Insight: Jamba Juice needs to distinguish themselves from their competition. They need a more concrete voice to make the brand more memorable. Stay away from product placement, but make the customer smile when they see our subtle ad campaign. You don't always have to love parenting to be a good parent. Being a parent can be monotonous and repetitive. Jamba is a brand that understands this. 

Strategist: Brenna Vickrey      Writer: Monica Sagowitz       Designer: Bryan Tietge