R A N D O M     S T U F F     I ' V E     W O R K E D     O N :

A B B Y ' S     P I Z Z A     5 0 t h     A N N I V E R S A R Y     C O M M E R C I A L

Uploaded by Brenna Vickrey on 2015-02-04.

Yes, that's me. I became an actor for a day to shoot this commercial. This was my first big-screen debut! Created in April of 2015 by Elevator, an ad agency in Portland, this commercial ran in Oregon from June of 2014 to June of 2015. 

A B C ' s     O F     A D V E R T I S I N G 

26 essential reads that have helped to shape the way I think. I made this in October of 2014.

O R G A N I C     B Y     J O H N     P A T R I C K

The Challenge: Develop a marketing campaign for Organic by John Patrick, a completely sustainable high-end fashion brand. 
The Insight: People should realize that clothing doesn't have to be a purely superficial purchase. It can have meaning and bring value into your life and the world. Organic by John Patrick is the kind of brand that can create a movement. It's not the end of the world, it's the change of the world. 
The Result: My wonderful (!!!) team and I developed this guerrilla advertising campaign. It consists of a manifesto and giant mirror installations, strategically placed in three different New York City locations, offering the city's busy residents a rare opportunity for introspection and reflection.

This guerrilla campaign was developed from September of 2013 to March of 2014
and submitted to the 2014 One Club competition. 
My teammates: Max Brettler, Taylor Richmond, and Max McDermott

A M E R I C A N     A I R S T R E A M

The Challenge: Create an advertising campaign for an outdated brand: Airstream travel trailers. 
The Insight: Embrace the brand's "weakness." Airstream isn't old - Airstream is a force of American history. 

Campaign developed from September 2014 to December 2014. 
Brenna Vickrey (strategist/project manager), Bryan Tietge (designer), Monica Sagowitz (writer)

W H A T   I S     I N T E R A C T I V I T Y ?

The Challenge: Answer the question - What is interactivity? 
The Insight: Technology has completely changed the way we interact.